Sunday, May 31, 2009

Bullet in slow motion (Realflow egg)

I made this video specially focused on the depth of field with fluids. As I needed a liquid that slowly comes to the camera POV, I immediately took the references of the slow-motion filmations (usually with scientific pursposes) when a bullet is crossing an objet (apples, bottles, cups of milk...), so finally I took the main reference from here. Although the Realflow mesh it´s improvable (specially within the area of the egg white, and its particular fillaments), and the shaders too (yolk shader without SSS, plain color on the shell, etc...) I´m quite happy with the final result.

The egg shards explotion is simulated using the Maya Dynamics. Realflow for the fluids, and Maxwell Render for the final render. I used Adobe AfterEffects for the final composition (Color correction, Time remaping, etc.).

UPDATE: This video has been selected for NextLimit for the Maxwell 2.0 Reel THANK YOU, GUYS! Link here (at the very end of the video):

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The 'Realflow Bloodflush' video reaches 10.000 views in YouTube

I think this is the first time that one of my videos reaches more than 10.000 views in YouTube. Almost 10 mounths after posting it, it looks like the 'Realflow Bloodflush' video gets an average of 1.000 per mounth (wich is not bad for a 'fluid simulation' video). I made this video with the only purpose of learn the basic tools in RF4, explore the wetmaps feature and have some fun, as well.

I´m very happy if you like stuff like this, and I hope to post a new
relevant video very sooon... but at this moment I just can say for ten thousand times at the YouTube users: THANK YOU!